Eclipse Markdown ePub TOML Plugin - Progress

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Release Tag Version Date Content
1.0.4 Aug 29, 2023 Eclipse changes in newer versions
1.0.3 Feb 19, 2023 Corrections Jun 28, 2022 TOML added May 3, 2021 Corrections Mar 23, 2021 Markdown and ePub

CTRL + Space

Insert Text
Bold text **bold text**
Italic text *italic text*
Bold italic text ***bold italic text***
Strikethrough text ~~strikethrough text~~
Quoted text > quoted text
Inline code `inline code`
Fenced code block ``` language
fenced code
Indented code block TAB indented code
Heading level 1 # Heading level 1
Heading level 2 ## Heading level 2
Heading level 3 ### Heading level 3
Heading level 4 #### Heading level 4
Heading level 5 ##### Heading level 5
Heading level 6 ###### Heading level 6
Unordered list - first
- second
- third
Ordered list 1. first
2. second
3. third
Definition list term
: definition
Link [link text](https://link_address "Link info (tooltip)")
Image ![image alt (tooltip)](https://image_address)
Horizontal rule ----------
Simple table |               |               |
|               |               |
Detailed table | Header 1      |   Header 2    |      Header 3 |
| Line 1 Item 1 | Line 1 Item 2 | Line 1 Item 3 |
| Line 2 Item 1 |               | Line 2 Item 3 |
| Line 3 Item 1 | Line 3 Item 2 |               |
Tasks - [x] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
- [x] Task 3

Markdown Features

Feature Status Implementation
Display (HTML Rendering)
Render YES marked.js
Render style YES github-markdown.css and some variations
Code highlight YES highlight.js
Code highlight style YES Some highlight.js themes
Source (Markdown Editor)
Formatting (including tables!) YES Flexmark
Syntax YES markdown.tmLanguage
Theme YES Markdown Light
Language configuration YES language-configuration.json
Folding YES Flexmark
Outline YES Flexmark
Spell check NO Not enough information, it appears sometimes
Auto edit YES done with the new language configuration
Content assist YES CTRL + SPACE, Flexmark
Hover NO Hover to show what?
Presentation NO Eclipse's way to color the code, now done the modern way
Validator NO Put errors and warnings, maybe in the future, for MD elements in HTML blocks or in code inline/blocks
Additional Formatting YES Bold and italic toolbar commands, maybe in the future add line and column for table


Bug Status Implementation
Undo / Redo not working Sometimes it works?
Justified paragraphs is not working for lists
Spell check not working Sometimes it works, if opened as text and re-opened


Feature Implementation
Detect Markdown text encoding jschardet.js
Transform text encoding iconv.js
Emoji emoji.js
Arrange generated HTML beautify-html.js
JQuery jquery

Render style

Style Implementation
Github github-markdown.css
Google-like google-like-markdown.css
SemanticUI-like semantic-ui-like-markdown.css
Custom stylesheet.css

Code highlight

All done by highlight.js

Code highlight style

Some highlight.js themes


Done in Flexmark with parse and visit headings

Flexmark extensions used for source formatting

Extension Implemented
tables YES
tasklist YES

Unable to find a way to activate Format command for Generic Editor Source menu


TextMate grammar from VSCode


Extended from Eclipse Generic Editor Theme "Light"

Language configuration

From VSCode: brackets, auto closing pairs, surrounding pairs, the folding is not implemented in Eclipse


Done in Flexmark with parse and visit headings, fenced code blocks and indented code blocks

Unable to find a way to activate the Folding menu for Generic Editor left margin


Done in Flexmark with parse and visit headings

Spell check

Unable to find a way to activate spell check for Generic Editor

Auto edit

Auto close some pairs, done with the new language configuration

Content assist

CTRL + SPACE, insert (by context)


Hover to show what?


Eclipse's way to color the code, now done the new way


Put errors and warnings, maybe in the future, for MD elements in HTML blocks or in code inline/blocks

Additional formatting

Bold and italic commands, on/off for text selection

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